WPF provides an array of features that enable you to create rich, document-based content.

Document Types:

  1. Fixed Document Types
  2. Flow Document Types

Fixed Document Types: It enable a precise presentation, independent of the display or printer hardware.

Flow Document Types:
It dynamically adjust their content based on variables such as window size.

Document Controls and Text Layout

WPF comes with the following controls for displaying of document content and text:

  • Document Viewer displays fixed document content in read-only mode.
  • FlowDocumentReader enables you to switch between several viewing modes.
  • FlowDocumentPageViewer shows content a page at a time.
  • FlowDocumentScrollViewer shows content in a scrolling mode.
  • Text Block displays small amounts of text.


Document Packaging:

WPF provides efficient document packaging with the System.IO.Packaging APIs, which include the default Zip Package implementation. An object in a package is a Package Part and you can add additional information to a package by using a Package Relationship.


XML Paper Specification:

XML Paper Specification (XPS) is a subset of XAML that is targeted towards fixed format documents. The XPS Document format conforms to the Open Packaging Conventions for data organization and enables users to create, share, print, and archive paginated documents.